✟ Indicates to stand (for those who are able) |
Prelude |
Welcome and Greeting |
Please sign the fellowship folders and pass them down your row and to the back. |
Lighting of the Advent Candles |
✟ Opening Worship Song |
Let It Rise |
Lighting of the Candles |
Unison Opening Adven (UMH#201) |
P: Merciful God, you send your messengers the prophets |
P: to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation. |
P: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, |
P: that we may celebrate aright the commemoration of the nativity, |
P: and may await with joy the coming in glory of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; |
P: who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, |
P: One God, for ever and ever. Amen. |
✟ Praise songs: |
What A Glorious Night |
Its Christmas |
(Please pass your prayer concerns to the aisle during the last song) |
Prayers of the People |
The Lord’s Prayer (printed on the back of the bulletin) |
Choir Anthem |
A Joyful, Jubilant Song |
Children’s Time |
Junior Church is downstairs following Children's Time |
✟ Hymn #240 |
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing |
Scripture: Psalm 30:1-5, 11-12 |
The Message: "Almost or Altogether: Joy” |
Pastor Jeff Swainston |
Offertory |
Offertory Prayer |
✟ Hymn #251 |
Go, Tell It on the Mountain |
✟ Dismissal With Blessing |
On this fourth Sunday in Advent, we sincerely welcome all who have come to worship. |
May Christ the Lord touch us with his grace, so that we may each be refreshed in mind, |
renewed in spirit and filled with the love of God. |
Those Assisting with our Service |
Pianist: Carla Shore |
Worship Leader: Sandi Moffit |
Junior Church: Liesel Beck |
Fellowship: Ruth Ward/Jane Fleming |
Counters: Penny and Char |
For a full copy of today's bulletin click here. |